I'm a freelance writer and contributor to sites like The Today Show, HuffPo and Parents Magazine.
I've been writing my entire life but started getting paid to do so at 22. It began with press releases for HarperCollins and Bertelsmann, continued with magazine articles and a health and fitness blog for Us Weekly, a style blog for The Wedding Channel and TV segments for The Hallmark Channel, for which I was nominated for an Emmy Award.
Over the last 10 years, I've written hundreds of articles, many of which have gone viral.
I'm currently working on my first book.
featured articles

‘Breast Is Best’ Should Be Banned
Written for The Bump

We Are a Family with Anxiety
Written for Parents Magazine

Surviving Miscarriage
Written for The Today SHow

Pregnant After Miscarriage
Written for The Bump

The Hardest Breakup of My Life
Written for the huffington post

A Letter to My 18-Year-Old Self
Written for The Huffington Post

The Great Unfollowing
Written for Medium

Making Friends Post Twenty-Something
Written for The Huffington Post

Namegate: A New Way to Mom Shame
Written for The Today Show

My Roller Coaster Romance
Written for The Huffington Post

An Open Letter to Amy Glass
Written for The Huffington Post

My Breasts Are Broken
Written for The Huffington Post

I Should've Spoken Up About Sexual Harassment
Written for Hey Mama

My Daughter is Being Bullied at Preschool
Written for The Bump

Things No One Told Me About Pregnancy
Written for Mother Mag

Living with Depression

Holiday Home Tour
The Everymom

Why I Feel Bad for Will

An Update on Lilly's Battle with Anxiety

A Year on Medication

My Lost 9/11 Journals
Written for Medium

Turning Red
Written for The Today Show
Kind Words & Testimonials

"When the world has felt full of noise yet oddly lonely, Nat is a friend we all need reminding us that joy and sorrow may coexist. She stands up for those without a strong enough voice, her tearful car chats bring words to our collective heartache, and her hilarious family antics bring beauty and levity back to our souls. She is bold and refreshing, always making it worth the scroll."
Jesse Dunlap

"Nat, whatever you do please never stop writing. It is your gift. Thank you for sharing it with us."
Courtney R.

“Thank you for being a voice towards self-love and acceptance. In sharing your story, you have helped make so many women feel validated and come together to share their stories so that more women can start the path towards healing as well.”
becky m.

“THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. All of this over and over again. Thank you for sharing this. It will help so many of us women and those who don’t know how to help that woman in their life.”
Brittany B.

“You are so brave. Your push for raw, real, true, honest... I am so shook by the glimpse of light I see from your platform supporting others and changing lives.”
Meredith s.

“Thank you so much for sharing your story. I cried so hard reading this while nodding my head because it’s exactly how I feel. Thank you for putting my feelings and so many other women’s feelings into a story.”
megan e.

"She is your smart and cool best friend. She's real and relatable, but has awesome style and insight. And she is so supportive of women."
Allison C.

"She authentically listens and applies her learned skills to help make the best decision or offer the best advice to fit you as an individual. She recommends ideas and products that hold up and she’s never shy about speaking about mental health and her navigation through it. I can find anything from design to parenting to party ideas and, at the same time, be reminded to make good choices for my mental care."
Siobhan Symons

"She is extremely relatable and honest and she has real interaction with her followers. She engages with us and is encouraging to moms from all walks of life. I trust her opinion, that she does her research and is always looking out for people. She is an amazing wife and mom and has such a beautiful heart for her family."
Ashlee K.

"I wish I had a Nat in real life, but Instagram will do. You just speak straight to my soul. And I'm thankful you're vulnerable, own your truth and share your life with us."
Amanda M.

“I went through a whirlwind of laughter and tears reading and rereading several articles I'd been so moved by when I read them in the past. I’m so proud to be along on this journey with you on this platform. You are honest and fresh and relatable. Keep going, Sister!”
jessica g.

“This article felt like an inner monologue! Thank you for honesty. Needed to hear I’m not alone.”
abby d.

“I read your article this morning. There is something so comforting about hearing someone articulate many of the exact feelings I am experiencing. Thank you for being open and sharing. Hugs from another who knows your pain and grief.”
Katy g.

“You have been immensely helpful to me through a difficult time in my life. Your 'Surviving Miscarriage' post is permanently saved in my notes on my phone and I revisit it frequently when I need strength.”
Rachel h.

"She’s honest and transparent. She laughs with us and cries with us. And she tells the good, the bad and the ugly, among having the best content!"
K. Burns

"Natalie is the most genuine, compassionate and REAL influencer I've seen out there. Her content is not only relatable and accessible, but her posts are the ones you actually look forward to seeing on your feed, no matter what. She's a true lesson in authenticity."
Emily Kasel

“It’s awesome to see people be real. Life is SO hard and social media has made it so easy to project to the world, ‘I’m fine, really I’m more than fine. Everything is perfect!’ When it’s not reality. But we all get sucked into that lie that everyone else has it easier or better than us. Comparison is the thief of joy. You help us be more joyful. Thankful for your heart!”
sadie p.

"She is honest with her struggles and success. Her posts are the best of both worlds- clean and structured and spontaneous and relaxed. And her mental health and motherhood support is huge for me."
Kayla Quiroz

"Nat, thank you SO much for sharing everything that you do and for being so real and honest... YOU are not alone. And I feel so grateful for your Stories and IG feed and all your words of encouragement. You are such a breath of fresh air even when you are sharing your relatable struggles."
Christie Ryan

“Thank you for sharing a part of being a woman that, for some reason, is still kept hush hush. As women, we tend to blame ourselves for everything and a miscarriage seems to fall into that category. A place it most definitely does NOT belong. Love, prayer and positive energy coming to you.”
rachel b.

“Thank you for sharing. Sadly, this club we just joined is a lot bigger than I had ever imagined. But, in it, I’ve also found a lot of support. It’s good to talk about this topic more publicly- thank you for doing that.”
liz i.

"She's down to earth, real and honest. She's open about her life in a way that helps to make me feel less alone. And I can always count on her to reply to any messages I send her. She's inspiring, encouraging and amazing."
Sarah M.

“You have put into words what I cannot express to anyone outside of my situation. Thank you. Truly. I appreciate your honesty and emotion.”
melissa g.

“So glad you are talking about it and normalizing it. I always appreciate reading real life stories so we can learn from them. Bravo and keep up the dialogue!”
maggie k.

“Thank you for taking the time to write such a beautiful piece. Whenever I’m feeling doubtful or dark, I’m going to read it again.”
tara c.

“Thank you for always keeping all of us in this together. It’s so comforting to know we aren’t alone in the feels, good and bad.”
claire robbie

“I just read your article on The Bump and cried. I’m a first time mom and know exactly how you felt. I have been so hard on myself and you helped me snap out of it a bit. Thank you for giving me the courage to talk about it and forgive myself.”
Mari p.

“Thank you for being so transparent. It’s a very difficult road lately and so much emotion has clouded our ability to work together towards understanding one another and taking steps to improve our relationships. I adore this post and you. Lilly has a great mom!”
cassandra t.

“I am in college at UNC and am obsessed with your articles and your Insta!”
caitlin c.

“Oh, this is written just perfectly. Words taken straight from my heart. You describe it all so well. Such a great read! Thank you!”
lauren f.

“I read so much of myself in your words. You said what I’ve been trying to tell everyone, my husband included. Thank you for giving me some peace.”
jessica p.

“Wow, I can’t believe someone actually admitted to this! I feel exactly the same way. EVERY single word I can relate to. Thank you for being you and opening up a door for others to do the same.”
abby r.

“I adore you. It makes the journey a lot less lonely knowing I’m not the only imperfect mama giving it her best!”
carly a.

“Nat, I may not know you personally, but I am a faithful follower of your adventures. Please know, my heart hurts for you. But thank you for being so transparent, especially in such a trying time. Your vulnerability is helping so many women you don't even know, including me."
piper t.

“Thank you for sharing this! I feel the exact same way and it feels so lonely sometimes because no one talks about it.”
cat h.

“Thank you for being an advocate for all of us.”
jamie s.

“Thank you for writing this. It’s nice to read that someone else has the same thoughts I do... I guess the point is, we all feel what we feel and that’s okay. But talking about it more can’t be a bad thing. Thanks for giving me the space, opportunity and encouragement to do that."
shannon k.

“Oh, my 21-year-old daughter needs to read this. So perfectly said Nat!!! Nailed it!”
angela n.

“Love, love, love following you! You inspire me on a daily basis by keeping the conversations honest and positive. I appreciate what a wonderful community you foster.”
ella m.

“You are one of the favorite parts of my day! I escape from my kids and watch your Stories!”
lacey t.

“Seriously one of the realest and most touching things I’ve seen on Instagram. Thank you for being raw. It’s beautiful.”
ruby a.

“I feel compelled to share my story with you. Thank you for standing up for those who feel shame or less than.”
alex t.

“In tears... what you shared was so brave and amazingly raw. Thank you!”
heather z.

“I saw Taylor Swift last month... You’re both in my imaginary squad!”
lauren p.

“THIS IS WHY WE LOVE YOU, seriously. The fact that you show the messy sh*t, the raw, the weird... I’m pretty sure we all want to move to Jerz or NY or wherever you are and be besties IRL.”
emily wilson

“We need a huge group chat of all NNA followers because obviously we're all long distance BFF’s. We’d take over the world. The invite only Nat’s Next Adventure FB group. We are too busy and too old for BS so if you’re a b*tch, you get kicked out.”