Speed Dial with Jeff & Kelly Mindell

Favorite thing to blog about, Kelly? Even though they are the hardest to shoot, I’m always the most excited about our balloon projects!

Favorite thing to photograph, Jeff? People, outdoors. Nothing like that natural California light!

Favorite post, Kelly? Either our emoji heart balloons, the taco piñata or the burger costume! The lemon one was pretty fun too. Too hard to choose just one!


Most challenging post, Kelly? Our donut balloons. We were loosing light, the wind was SO gusty and they are one-sided balloons, so they HAD to be facing the right way. We changed locations twice, I think I punched something and Jeff screamed. So basically it went super smoothly.

Favorite shoot, Jeff? When we drove down to Orange County to fill that tiny vintage convertible with balloons for AutoTrader. It was so quirky and yet, so on brand for us. and I was beyond excited about those final photos!

Most challenging shoot, Jeff? Anything and everything involving balloons. I hate shooting with balloons. 

Favorite iPhone photo hack?

Jeff: I run all my images through my various favorite editing apps. These would be Snapseed, A Color Story, VSCO, and/or Touch ReTouch.

Most embarrassing moment

Jeff: Accidental reply all. Hands down.
Kelly: Ditto. I accidentally sent an email to every member and client of my ad network once about a payment discrepancy. It was sent to so many people that it had its own hashtag and Reddit thread.

Thing That Drives You Wild About Your Partner 

Jeff: Her dance skills.
Kelly: I really like when people have weird quirks, so I’m really into Jeff’s weird name talent.

Thing That Drives You Mad 

Jeff: She NEVER picks up after herself.
Kelly: He’s ALWAYS on his phone!

Go-to outfit

Jeff: Jeans, boots, fitted crewneck sweater/sweatshirt, jacket
Kelly: Patterned pants, button down, blazer, colorful heels and some flair!

Favorite Getaway

Jeff: Palm Springs
Kelly: Ditto!


Date Night

Jeff: Divey Mexican restaurant and home early for a few episodes of one of our shows on Netflix
Kelly: Ordering in pizza and TV binging!

Girls Night

Kelly: Game night!

Guys Night

Jeff: I really hate going out at night. I’m more of a meet-for-coffee type of guy.

Me Time

Jeff: A hike
Kelly: My drive to work, blasting music and car-dancing like my life depends on it.

Adult Beverage

Jeff: I could live off the house margarita at El Coyote, our favorite Mexican restaurant in LA. My liver on the other hand…
Kelly: I actually don’t really drink!

Guilty Pleasure

Jeff: Teen Mom on MTV. Kelly got me addicted. Now I’m way too invested in these people’s lives that I don’t actually know and find myself spouting off parenting advice at my TV.
Kelly: Teen Mom! P.S. Getting Jeff addicted to Teen Mom is my greatest life accomplishment to date.


Jeff: VEEP and Curb Your Enthusiasm
Kelly: Empire, House of Cards and Friends


Jeff: Snapchat
Kelly: Snapchat



Jeff: GQ
Kelly: Still a Martha fan!

Viral Video

Jeff: Star Wars Alpacas
Kelly: Kristen Bell on Ellen or Joseph Gordon Levitt’s Lip Sync Battle

You Tube Channel

Jeff: I don’t really follow YouTube to be honest.
Kelly: Tricia Miranda for the choreography!

Celeb Crush

Jeff: Eva Longoria
Kelly: Jimmy Fallon

Turn On

Jeff: I love to be taken care of (home-cooked dinner, when I’m sick, etc.).
Kelly: Weird quirks (told you!)

Turn Off

Jeff: Messiness
Kelly: Laziness


Jeff: Coffee
Kelly: Clothes or Stationery (paper addict, alert!)


Jeff: Clothing/Shoes
Kelly: Shoes

Pet Peeve 

Jeff: Again with the cleaning up. Just put your dishes in the dishwasher!
Kelly: People that stand on the wrong side of the escalator!


Quotable Movie

Jeff: Austin Powers
Kelly: Mean Girls, duh.

Karaoke Song

Jeff: Zac Brown Band’s ‘Chicken Fried’. Or anything Sinatra
Kelly: Redneck Woman by Gretchen Wilson

Way to Sweat

Jeff: An LA hike
Kelly: Dancing!

Mood Music

Jeff: Chris Brown
Kelly: The Empire Soundtrack OR Beyoncé

Workout Music

Jeff: Jason Derulo. Or really anything with a beat.
Kelly: Anything with a good beat!

Quickest Way to Get You to Dance

Jeff: A DJ, dance floor, and very loud speakers.
Kelly: Literally put a song anywhere and I’ll dance. Including Trader Joe’s.

Quickest Way to Get You to Laugh

Jeff: Show me any clip of SNL cast members losing it on air and I will die. Every time.
Kelly: Any episode of Friends

Favorite Thing to Gift

Jeff: A getaway
Kelly: Something they want but would never buy/do themselves.

Favorite Gift You’ve Ever Received

Jeff: She got me the most insanely-beautiful art print from a gallery we were passing through in Palm Springs one weekend. She went back and bought it for my birthday.
Kelly: Pharell’s book, “Happy” on our first anniversary, to keep for our future kids bookshelf. The song was a part of our first dance and it was so sweet!

Baking or Cooking

Jeff: Baking
Kelly: Baking (LOL Jeff, when have you ever baked?)

Go-to Recipe

Jeff: I don’t really cook so, chicken? I can cook a chicken really well.
Kelly: Sweet potato casserole grilled cheese

Salty or Sweet

Jeff: Salty
Kelly: Sweet

Sand or Snow

Jeff: Sand
Kelly: Sand

Dream Dinner Guests

Jeff: Larry David, Jeremy Piven, Barack Obama.
Kelly: All of the NBC men (Jimmy, Willie, Brian, Tom), Kristen Bell, Sandra Bullock and Nicki Minaj

Last Meal

Jeff: Filet mignon, sweet potatoes and chocolate cake.
Kelly: Jersey pizza and Jake’s Palm Springs‘ chocolate cake.

Best Mistake

Jeff: Picking up a camera way back when.
Kelly: Moving to LA after high school. The school out here ended up not being a great fit, but I never would have fell in love with the city otherwise.

Jeff’s Next Adventure?

Hopefully fatherhood!

Kelly’s Next Adventure?

Becoming a mom!


  1. Kristina B on April 11, 2016 at 9:55 am

    Loved the rapid-fire likes/dislikes questions. This was so fun to read!

  2. Nat on April 13, 2016 at 9:27 pm

    Thanks so much Kristina! So glad you like it and had fun!

  3. […] Surprise your single GALentine with a boxful of balloons. Who better from than  expert Kelly Mindell of Studio DIY who just launched their own balloon […]