Speed Dial with A Piece of Toast

Favorite App

Molly: Shazam (Does that make me so uncool?)

Sally: Instagram. I’m addicted to the scroll.


Molly: Luella & June. Bradley is a dear friend and has the most insane taste level.

Sally: Le Catch. She finds all the best stuff!


Molly: I am the worst…I never read them anymore. I always buy a PORTER mag in the airport and they go untouched. It’s tragic.

Sally: InStyle and Real Simple

Quotable Movie

Molly: Wedding Crashers. On a daily basis.

Sally: I’m not great at movie quotes but I imitate Summer Heights High lines all the time.

Guilty Pleasure

Molly: Kardashian everything. And a glass of wine every night.

Sally: Sour Patch Kids


Molly: Jewelry. It’s always what a save up for. I love being able to buy myself special pieces.

Sally: I shop way too much in general but handbags and shoes are my go-to splurges.



Molly: I love Trader Joe’s for everything!

Sally: Amazon Prime. My husband and I are guilty of ordering almost everything from it.


Molly: Lately, I’ve been wearing two Jo Malone London scents, Wood Sage & Sea Salt and Blue Agava & Cacao.

Sally: Ah! I’ve been HUNTING for a go-to scent. I like D.S. & Durga Coriander but it’s still not quite right for me.


Molly: I listen to a lot of country music, it just makes me happy.

Sally: My husband and I love live music. Lately, we’ve been listening to the new album from The Lumineers.

Place on Earth

Molly: Fave place on earth…so far I really loved St. Barths. It was like being in Jurassic Park.

Sally: Probably Alys Beach, Florida (30A!)

Way to Break a Sweat

Molly: PureBarre. I’ve been doing it for almost 3 years and I’m addicted to going almost every day.

Sally: I walk my dogs twice a day with my husband and try to get to a workout class 4-5 times a week!

Dance Song

Molly: Robyn’s “Dancing on My Own

Sally: Florence and the Machine “Dog Days


Date Night

Molly: Pizza. It’s my food husband.

Sally: My husband and I do our big celebration nights at a good steak place – we eat like fat kids and it’s the best.

Girl’s Night

Molly: Cheese, snacks and wine at home/friend’s house.

Sally: Tex-mex and margaritas.