
Some things just aren’t meant to be. That’s often the case for me. Things ever rarely go according to the envisioned. I have some epically bad luck, am a klutz, a last-minute, on-a-whim, passionate kind of person who seldom achieves the immaculate ideals in my head. But I’m not quite sure I’ve ever encountered a day of mishaps quite like this one.

The plan (ha!) was to go out in style. Hawaiian style, specifically. For our last Saturday night in the Hamptons with our Foxy friends, who are now more like family. We planned a luau to end all luaus. It was a group effort with everyone contributing. We were going big but we were still a little spent from the previous weekend’s party, so we decided to outsource and treat ourselves when it came to the food. We hired a mobile catering company and selected the perfect themed menu, salivating over every decadent course.

We started out the day so relaxed. Swimming in the pool with our little loves, soaking up one last Saturday’s sunshine, relishing in the lack of to-do lists, grocery store trips and hours worth of kitchen prep. There were little mishaps ahead of the day: hula girl desserts from Dominique Ansel, King of the Cronut, weren’t available, kid cups didn’t arrive, but nothing too detrimental.

Then the air conditioner broke. It was the first major sign that our soiree was doomed. Undeterred, we called the landlord and continued our coasting. An email arrived. The caterer was canceling. Calls were made, texts sent. After an hour, a new chef was found and the day was saved. Or so we thought.

We got word that our air conditioning wouldn’t be able to be fixed until Monday. Monday, people. Two days without A/C. In July. In a house with 8 adults, 1 preggo, 6 kids and 3 dogs! Back to the pool! At least we wouldn’t have to cook. The phone rang. The second caterer cancelled. It was 2pm. Our fete was to begin at 5. At least we had a boat load of snow cone syrup and booze to cool- and calm- us down. Think again.

The snow cone machine turned out to be a dud. We had an entire case of flavors and no shaved ice. I realize these are champagne problems. Poor babies! No caterer, cool air or snow cone machine at their house in the Hamptons. Wah. I assure you, it was all taken in stride. And it was nothing a big batch of backup BBQ and BBC’s couldn’t handle!


Dried pineapple slices for our pineapple upside down cupcakes. The one food contribution made ahead of time.



The syrups that were sadly never sipped. Such amazing flavors to try too! I smell a snow cone save the date coming soon to my friends’ inboxes.


We used a pineapple stamp to decorate our unused cones.


And I spray painted some actual ones too. Love me some gold pineapples!

Black and white paper that was going to serve as a table cover with these as placemats (pictured above) but then, of course, we never had a plated, seated dinner.


Leftover letters from the mermaid sprinkle. I just added an “H” and we were all set.



I sprayed the pineapple top from the one used to make the cupcakes and floated it in a tall, glass vase for added dimension.


And what’s a luau without a coconut bra?



Lilly’s look and lei.



Our communal kids cup since only one arrived.





  1. A Hamptons Summer Guide | Nat's Next Adventure on August 21, 2015 at 9:40 pm

    […] to stay in, swim, cook and entertain (as evidenced by our 4th, game night, mermaid sprinkle and luau). Therefore, this is less of a hot spot guide and more of a summer scrapbook, Red Fox Lane […]