My Birthday Gifts

A few days ago, my mom said something that really resonated with me.

I’m battling a bad cold and after telling me she hoped I was well by my birthday (today!) and my response, that it isn’t about me anymore now that I have a child of my own, she said, “I hope I gave you a lot of great birthdays in your day.”

She did.


My mom loves a holiday. Currently, it looks like Easter exploded all over her house. With each year and new occasion, she anticipates the next with such enthusiasm and excitement as if she hasn’t done so every single year, for sixty years. She’s the first to send a card, buy a present and have the coordinating attire. Even now, with no kids at home, she still takes pride in decorating and dressing herself (and treating others), embracing the spirit of the season.


My sister and I were celebrated when we were young (we still are). It started when we woke, being sung to as we made our way to the decorated breakfast table, complete with special meal, gifts, etc. and continued throughout the day with thoughtful touches along the way. It culminated with the best parties, many presents and lots of cake.


My mom always has a way of making you feel special, never doubting you’re loved.

Now that my daughter is here, the traditions continue. For each occasion, Lilly has specialty bibs, books, toys and outfits. She also always receives a card in the mail, even though, at 10 months, she can’t read.

And so this birthday of mine, the first that my girl is here and the many we will share together, it really is about her. It’s about getting to help me blow out a candle and rocking back and forth in her signature sway to the Happy Birthday song. In the years to come, it’ll be about picking out cards and gifts for me I’m sure only a mother could love and trying desperately to keep a surprise but ruining it out of sheer, unbridled childhood excitement.

And it’s about her grandmother. Because she taught her mommy how to be a good one. How to celebrate. How to love.


My mother and my daughter, they’re two of the greatest gifts I’ve ever received. Happy Birthday indeed.